Monday, October 31, 2016

Gamecock Trip

What a successful trip.  Everything was perfect.  The boys had a great college visit.  Friday was fried chicken for breakfast.  We went by the baseball stadium, only to find out there was an intrasquad World Series going on later that afternoon.  The Garnet and Black World Series.  The campus tour was amazing.  The boys got to sit behind MLB scouts and their radar guns at the baseball game.  It was 85 and sunny, so perfect afternoon weather to hang out in the shade in shorts and T-shirts.  Our tour guide gave us an amazing tip for BBQ for dinner.  I was introduced to white Alambama BBQ sauce.  We walked the streets down town and grabbed some ice cream.  Day one was the perfect tour.
     Day 2 was Game Day.  We went out to Williams Brice Stadium where the Gamecocks were 14 point underdogs to Tennessee.  We did the whole tailgating thing.  We had been invited to a tailgate randomly the night before.  We went through Gamecock Park and Gamecock Village.  We saw the. Gamecock Walk.  We saw the line of Cabooses by the stadium.  And then the game was fantastic.  The home team won by 3.  The place was going bonkers the whole time.
     The quote of the weekend was Caz - "It is so peaceful here."  If the South didn't sell itself to Caz on this trip, nothing will.

Thursday, October 27, 2016


We left for Columbia, SC, tonight.  The boys and I are off on a college visit to the University of South Carolina.  We are off to a rough start.  We are delayed in NY at Laguardia.  A VP candidate's plane overshot the runway.  The landing gear broke.  Now we wait.  We will get there.  Just later than expected.  The boys are good.  They are taking it all in stride.  They are excited to get there.  That is half the battle.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Senior Day XC 2016

Today was the last XC home meet of the year.   The last of Caz's career.  It is they day the team recognizes the seniors on the team and their parents.  Caz was called out in front of the team.  He gave a flower to Demi.  I took a photo of it.  Then we had Coco take a picture of Caz and both his parents.  It is one of many "lasts" for Caz.  It is getting real.  Our little boy will be graduating.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Curse of the Supermoon

Extra high High Tide? Super bright light at night?  Wolves baying at the moon? Ok.  Maybe not that last part.  But hard time sleeping? Yep!  There is something to the increase of insomnia coinciding with a full moon.  My mind was racing.  I could not slow it down.  I tried meditation with no luck. It's going to be a long day.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Bumps in the Road

Life is full of potholes.  Full of bumps in the road.  We ran into one today.  Coco was down for the count.  It's the first "unexcused" absence.  His IBS was painful.  He couldn't make it in today.  I tried to reign in all my thoughts.  I happened to be working from home.  I couldn't let him think I was upset, discouraged, disappointed, or what have you.  We knew we were not out of the woods.  We knew there would be setbacks.  It is still hard on us all.  It is just the first time, so all the old fears come back.  Just don't let it show, right?

Friday, October 7, 2016

Homecoming 2016

It was really nice to see Coco excited about school again.  He stayed after practice to hang out for the football game and dance.  He even showered after practice.  In the locker room.  Unheard of.
     He and his buddies didn't end up at the dance.  Of course, it sounds like no one went.  But the thought was there.  I saw him once during the game.  Afterwards, on the ride home he told me all about the pep rally.  I got chapter and verse.  He was so excited.  I had him repeat it all to Demi when we got home.  She had the same comment.  It is so nice to see Coco like this.  I hope it is a good sign that we may be turning a corner.  I am not putting the cart before the horse.  But I am hopeful.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

'Mercia Day

Today was Day Two of Spirit Week.  This is the big build up to Homecoming.  Yesterday, the theme was Army/Navy Day.  The underclass men wore Blue.  The upperclassmen wore camouflage.  Today,  is America Day.  Caz has been planning for weeks.  He called my in NY to place an order through Amazon a few weeks back.  He ordered a Stars and Stripes robe from Rocky and an eagle mask.  He finished that look off with his Stars and Stripes pants from last year.  Coco took a little more coaxing. But he ended up looking great.  He had the Uncle Sam hat, light up Red, White & Blue glasses, and a flag vest.  Very stylish.  I love that they participated.  Good for them.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Father/Sons Football

Today was a banner Father and Sons day.  We had a great moment at dinner time.  The boys and I were watching the second half of the FSU game in the Den.  We had the game up on the big screen through Chromecast and a phone app.  FSU was mounting another monumental comeback.  Demi was tired and sick but cooking an amazing beef stew.  Bowl were put on the kitchen table with a minute left to play in the game.  We spent the next minute (game minute, not actual live time) standing in the hallway watching the end of the game, while Demi tucked into a bowl of stew.  I think she actually finished by the time we sat down.  Of course the FSU D let up and let NC get in position to kick a game winning FG.  With 23 seconds on the clock!  How does that happen?  But I digress.  We commiserated over our dinner.  Family time.  Boy time.  What better way to spend a Saturday?