Sunday, April 23, 2017

Home Alone Duxbury

This is just a month full of adult milestones for Caz.  He was allowed to stay home by himself for the first time.  He really needed to stay.  He has to work and he had track practice.  He can drive.  He had food.  He can cook.  Well...sort of.  He wasn't going to starve.  And he kept the house relatively clean.  Sure, he had the boys over to play poker one night.  We told him he could.  The beer and liquor were not touched.  He has good friends.  He makes relatively good decisions.  Our trust was rewarded.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

High Finance

I helped Caz open a new bank account today.  Actually, he opened a new Fidelity cash account.  The banks we tend to use are in short supply in the South.  I think the closest branch to his current bank account to Auburn is 90 miles away.  Plus.....I don't really like our current bank.  With his new account, he can deposit checks with his phone.  He can use his ATM fee anywhere too.  All his ATM fees are reimbursed.  It's a win-win.  The only drawback is that he had to open a brokerage account too.  I told him not to trade anything.  But this is a big milestone.  His first bank account.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Live and Legal

Well.  My oldest turns 18 today.  Happy Birthday Caz!  Welcome to legal adulthood.  It's hard to believe this time has come.  What really changes?  I hate to be a negative Nellie but it seems to me that this milestone just means the stakes are higher for making mistakes.  Decision making becomes more important that ever.  Caz knows this now.  We had a talk.  We always talk.  I think that is key.  Like most things, parenting involves a lot of communication.  It does if you want to be successful at it.
     And will I kid all the time, I did not wrap empty boxes for is birthday for him to pack up.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Driving with the King

Coco and I went for a drive.  Some more practice for the new wanna be driver.  He did well.  Sure there were a few wide turns.  There is the rookie hurky jerky revving of the gas pedal.  There was the hesitation, letting cars go in front.  But he drove safely.  He kept to the speed limit.  We drove over by the school for the first time.  It was a nice Saturday afternoon drive.  I think Coco is headed in the right direction.