Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

I do like to take the opportunity of a holiday like July 4th, to see if the boys understand what it means. It's another good chance to start a dialogue with the kids. A good healthy discussion is highly underrated.
I quizzed the boys about whether they knew what the significance was. I caught them off guard because they were not on their A game immediately. They started to carry over the Memorial Day discussion. But eventually we moved on to John Hancock and the Founding Fathers. They know tid-bits, like why John Hancock signed his name so large. But I stumped them on the year it was signed. I don't know why 1776 always stood out for me. It seemed like such a natural fact to know. Maybe because I recall the Bicentennial celebration when I was 5. It was a big deal. The boys finally got it after a good game of Higher/Lower. A Price is Right of Guess That Year. Ah well. As long as they get the important bits.

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