Saturday, July 7, 2018

Levitate Music Festival 2018

I was surprised when Coco inquired into Levitate.  I didn’t think he enjoyed himself all that much last year.  It was more like he tolerated it.  But I guess having a girl you like interested in going helps.  And then ending up going with 3 ladies probably made the decision a slam dunk.
     He knew our friend had offered passes in the past.  He was really fired up when our friend came through.  He organized his crew.  He went and picked up the tickets.  He got his older brother to drive them to the fairgrounds.  He even walked all the way home with his friends.  They spent a solid 6-7 hours at the music festival.  I don’t think these bands are in Coco’s wheelhouse either.  But I think he like walking around the food trucks, crafts tents and stages.
     Demi and I were happy to have the crew back to our house after.  They ordered a pizza and hung out for a while.  It ended a bit earlier than I would have guessed but a good day for Coco.  I did like to see that.

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