Saturday, March 12, 2011

School Daze

I figured I should go to Town Meeting and set a good example for my boys. It was even more important since there was an Article for designing & building new co-located middle and high schools. It is about time. Both DMS and DHS are old and in need of major repairs. While the Article comes with a huge price tag, the schools are needed. I don't really relish an increase to my taxes, but I am willing to pay the freight. One needs to keep in mind that Coco will be a slim shot of ever seeing one of these new schools.
I have never seen a group of adults behave so poorly at a government function. The pro-Article crowd certainly alienated older, would be voters. The Article carried the day, but I wonder what will happen at the polls now. I can see the rally at the Senior Center now - "defeat those raucous hippies!" It would almost serve them right. Most of them came for that Article on. Some of us had been there all day. One can choose to practice democracy how ever one sees fit but I think some folks are in for a rude awakening. I hope it does not come at a price paid by the students of this town.

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