Sunday, March 13, 2011

Social Studies Lesson - Town Meeting

The recap of Town Meeting was a healthy lesson in civics for the boys. They asked some very insightful questions about the process and what goes on. I definitely want the boys to understand how government works. It is important to be part of the process. I do tell them that those that don't exercise their rights, to vote, to particpate, even to run for office, have no right to complain when things go against them.
The boys and I had a good talk about certain articles, the new schools, the new police department, and the fire house renovations. We talked about how the debate process works. We had a discussion about taxes, spending, and deficits. We talked about voting and how articles pass. This was the whole point. Yes, I wanted to participate in the process. Yes, I had views on how to spend the town's money. But I really wanted the boys to talk about what was going on. Misson accomplished.

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