Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Coffee To Go

Well, it was no April Fool’s joke.  Caz has gone to the bus stop every morning this week with a travel mug full of Joe.  Since he just measured in at 5’11” last week, can I really say it will stunt his growth?  It is actually pretty comical for me to hear Demi ask how he likes his coffee.  I think he is still perfecting his sugar & cream to coffee ratio.  He is still a novice after all.
It is really a good thing.  As I noted before, the caffeine will help him combat his ADD and increase his attention span early.  Maybe it will help lead to a better breakfast and morning routine.  To say that Caz is not a morning person is a huge understatement.  Couple that with the fact that Demi is also not a fan of the AM, you increase the likelihood of a school AM disaster.  All heck will rain down on the child responsible for missing the bus.  You think Noah was facing a wrathful vengeance?  He didn’t miss the Ark to school

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