Sunday, August 31, 2014

Rock Stars

The boys are pretty much Rock Stars for the younger kids that we associate with on these long weekend holidays.  Yes, two are their younger cousins.  But the non-blood relatives adore them too.  They go into Beatlemania mode, screaming, flailing,...general hysteria.  They get so excited to see my boys.  It's really adorable.
     Well, I think this band has a rival now.  The new neighbors joined us for the weekend festivities.  The youngest daughter, Raquel, is in 6th grade.  The little ones took to her like Santa Claus.  Raquel was very excited.  And she was so good with them all.  When we regrouped at night, the little ones were screaming for her.  They did test runs, so they could run to the door and window when she arrived.  When Raquel finally did arrive, the kids ran out of the house, jumped up and down, and scream her name.  It was quite a welcoming committee.  My boys are going to have to up their game..

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