Monday, April 25, 2016

Training Table

Caz's Olympic training started today.  He is on a serious training kick again.  We have been talking training plans for summer and fall.  So today, breakfast was a protein shake.  He packed a very healthy lunch.  He is thinking about nutrition again.  That is never a bad thing.  He really doesn't eat poorly compared to other teenagers.  Better to start understanding foods' impact on the body early.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

College Visit Vol. 2

Demi took the boys up to see UNH today.  Getting Coco to go was a big deal.  That is a big win for the day.  He made it through the presentation but did not make the walking tour.  He like the school though.  Caz was not as impressed.  He met with the AD and got to see track practice.  That piqued his interest a bit.  He's been looking up Division 1 track times for his events ever since Auburn came onto his list.  Caz didn't think UNH would make his safety school list.  But one of his buddies came by the house, who was interested in UNH and had an uncle who is a big booster.  I think that changed Caz's mind a bit.  He seemed more agreeable towards it after his buddy talked to Demi and me about it.  They ate dinner in Portsmouth.  It was great for the boys to see how close UNH is to Portsmouth.  It is a great city.  Another selling point.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Not So Zombie Apocalypse

Caz had his wisdom teeth out.  It was a pretty straight forward process.  He was done in under 25 mins.  His recovery room/under the influence of medication antics were amusing.  Much more so than the recently publicized Zombie apocalypse video.  Demi was stunned.  I wouldn't post it though. I can't embarrass the kid like that.  It should be saved for an appropriate time.  Like his wedding.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Victory Back to School Day

Coco went back to school today.  First day back after surgery.  It was a big deal getting him back into the building.  He missed the last 7 school days outright.  That is just based on the surgery.  He seemed to be in a good place going into the day.  Sunday night did not show his classic tells that the anxiety is building.  But Demi and I were not getting our hopes up.  We were more than pleasantly surprised when he walked through those school doors.

Happy 17th Birthday, Caz!

My oldest turns 17 today.  How did that happen?  And so quickly?  He is really turning into quite a fine young man.  I am very proud of who he has become.  And he still has so much growing left to do, both in physicality and character.
     He had a banner day today too.  He earned all his points for his Varsity letter in his first meet.  He threw the javelin for the first time after a full preseason of practice.  He placed third.  He lost a photo finish in the 100 m dash for second.  And he led the 4x100 m relay to a first place finish.  He trained hard for this.  The results are great but he set goals and met them.  That is the important piece.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

College Bound

Caz met with some experts today.  We met with College Bound.  They had put on a parents workshop for DHS on the college admissions process.  They offer an array of college search/admissions services, from the search, to the application process, Financial Aid navigation, and so forth.  We used their introductory free meeting session.  I think we need the help.  I know first hand how useful it can be.  If it wasn't for a local man who had his own similar business, I might not have found Colby.  I am forever grateful to him.  And I am sorry he is no longer around to help other generations of Duxbury kids.
     It was a good session with College Bound.  It started a little rough.  Caz got lost on the way to the appointment, so he was late.  But it was very informative.  Caz was very interactive.  Caz gave his honest assessment of what he is looking for.  We both think we could use the help.

Friday, April 1, 2016


Coco was discharged today.  Both he and Demi were really happy to be home.  It was a long night in the hospital.  Neither one of them slept much.  I was happy to have them home.  I think maybe even Caz was too.  He would never admit it though.
     Caz and I had a good guys night to ourselves.  He came into the living room all on his own to hang out.  He had been staking out his territory in the den recently.  We ended up watching a couple episodes of Supergirl together.  He then caught up on The Blacklist while I cooked dinner.  We were all set to watch a new episode of Blacklist, only to find out it was a rerun.  One more week until a new one.  So he went up to my room to catchup on Supernatural.  When I went up to bed, he was out cold.  It took a while to get him up and into his own room.  I can't just scoop him up and carry him anymore.  It did bring me back to when he was little.  It was nice spending a night, 1 on 1, with him.  A very nice positive to a less than ideal situation.