Sunday, October 8, 2017

Sunday Funday

This was our big day to spend time with Caz.  It started in peculiar fashion.  Overnight, we slept through the worst of what started as Hurricane Nate.  By the time Nate reached us, it was a tropical depression.  It rained hard until noon.  It was a warm rain.  Not New England cold.  We lost power for a short time.  WiFi was knocked out all over Auburn.
     We took Caz out for lunch with his girlfriend.  We shopped for a raincoat.  We got to see his girlfriend's dorm.  It was very impressive.  It is newer and more spacious.  It costs a lot more too.
     Demi and I took Gizmo for a walk in the arboretum.  That was a nice time.  I liked sharing that with Demi.  I like seeing the expression in her face when exploring new places and enjoying them.  I hope Caz will do something similar with his special someone.
     We took Caz, his roommate, his girlfriend and his friends to dinner.  It was great seeing Coco interact with all the college kids.  Actually, it was great to see Coco and Caz interact on their own over the course of the weekend.  I think they missed each other.  They won't admit it but they did.  After dinner, it was hard to say goodbye after dinner.  To his credit, Caz was great.  He gave me a long hug and said, "I love you", right in front of his girlfriend.  No hesitation at all.  My boy is growing up.  And he is turning out well.

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