Monday, February 5, 2018

Super Disappointment

Yes, the Patriots lost.  My loss though?  That was not having Caz for the viewing.  I missed having him around for the big game.  Demi did another amazing job with putting out a feast.  Coco had his specialty cream soda.  It wasn't the same without sharing all that with Caz.  He was fine.  He had a viewing party at Auburn.  He probably didn't bat an eye over the fact that this was our first Super Bowl not being all together.  But I knew.  I felt it.  It made the outcome even more upsetting.  This is how it goes though. It's part of the circle of life.  The kids grow up.  They go off on their own lives, their own adventures.  I hope eventually that seed of family, that sense of being part of a unit, that Demi and I have tried to instill into the boys takes root.  It blossoms into a longing to be a part of that again, when they start their own families.  Time will tell. 

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