Friday, January 11, 2019


Coco really wanted to place out of having to take as many of his final exams for term 1, as he possibly could.  He was on a mission.  Of course, that mission came down to the wire.  He did procrastinate a bit.  Actually, a lot.  This week he spent almost every night on school work.
     He spent hours constructing a Lego diorama for math.  He put a lot of effort into a Sports History paper.  This was actually a joint project.  His partner needed a 100 on it in order to place out of the final.  Coco actually calculated his odds of placing out of his exams.  The odds weren't great.  He tried to tell the odds to me but I quipped, "never tell me the odds, kid."
     The Sports History project did indeed receive a 100.  His math exam is a full year class, which is exempt from placing out of finals.  In the end, Coco placed out of 4 exams.  He takes 2 in total.  Monday and Thursday, he doesn't have to go into school at all.  Here is my old man moment - That was never available to us going through DHS.  It is sort of laughable.  I know it benefits the teachers too.  It lightens the load a bit.  But still.  How does that prepare them for life after high school?
     Good for Coco though.  He should be very please with himself.  I know Demi and I are.

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