Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Patriots Parade 2019

Demi texted me yesterday about what I thought about Coco going to the parade with his friends.  He hadn’t said anything to either one of us.  We both thought it was a good idea.  Demi broached it with him after school.  We thought he would go with his crew.  And Coco started planning with them.  In the end, he ended up going with his prom date and her friends.  Interesting twist.
     It didn’t dawn on me until this morning that Coco had never been on the T on his own.  I texted him a bunch of information during my morning commute.  I also urged him to leave earlier than planned.  The crowd was already heavy when I was headed into the city.  I made sure he knew how to get to me in the city too.  He did really well. He called and texted with questions after the parade, when they were trying to get on the T.  He and his friends bought the right ticket.  They got on the right train.  More importantly,  they had fun.  They had an experience that will last a lifetime.

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