Saturday, June 1, 2019

Graduation 2019

The big day.  Finally!  Years in the making.  The unfolding was not like most.  Demi and I are so proud of Coco.
Graduation day = a time to recognize achievement, to congratulate, and to say thanks.

At this time 3 years ago, Demi and I didn't know if this was going to be possible.  Coco was just wrapping up the day program at Providence Hasbro Childrens Hospital.  After missing over 100 days of school, he was reintegrating back into DHS.  We were hoping for the best.  Each day we held our breath.  Coco dug in.  He was determined to stay on track to move to sophomore year with his buddies.  By the end of June, the boy who taught himself math by searching out YouTube videos on algebra, was able to do just that.

Look how far you've come!  DHS graduate.  Off to @uofsc in August!  Be proud of yourself son.  We are.

Thank you to his village for their love and support.  DHS was amazing.  Teachers, administrators and guidance counselors made sure he could concentrate on healing and coping, while providing online courses, individual learning plans or even a ride to school.  His incredible friends stuck by him.  You couldn't blame a teenage kid to forget someone out of sight for so long, especially as one dealt with all the challenges of first year of high school.  Not this bunch.  They were always around, always looking to include him and accepting of his limitations.  When he couldn't leave the house, they came to him. What a bunch! 

Thank you to our village - our loved ones, family and friends.  We couldn't have come through the dark times without you.  Everything you did helped.  You might not have even known you were helping, but you did.  A simple "hi", a smile or a hug goes a long way.  This day is yours too.  We love you all.✌️

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