Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Well, one of the biggest children's holidays of the year is upon us. What's not to like if you are a kid? You get to dress up in a costume and people give you candy. My oldest son by the end of the night had a candy bag that weighed the equivalent of two bricks. And that's really not exaggerating. They are getting to that age where they don't really want Mom or Dad coming up to the door with them. So you have to remind them about saying "Trick or Treat" and using their manners before they go up to the door. The other part though is how much candy to take? I tell them that if the person giving out the candy doesn't say anything then do not take more than two. Problem is we have some neighbors that either just say "take as much as you like" or just dump handfuls in their bag. What kid is going to control themselves and say no to that? It is certainly a challenge. And the "Honor Bowls"? I use the same rule of two but then you get signs that say "take seven or less". Seven or less? What kind of cap is that? No wonder the thing was empty by the time we came around.

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