Sunday, December 9, 2007

O Christmas Tree

Caz made me the perfect Christmas tree this past weekend. He was all gung-ho to help me set up my Dickens Christmas Village in the bay window of the living room. He accompanied me to the very, cold attic to take the boxes out of storage. He helped me build and paint my new platform to elevate the display. He assisted my in unpacking the individual buildings and in inserting the lights. Caz was a superb helper. After we finished setting up the display, I made a comment that I wished I had bough some of the accessories, like trees and bushes, because the display looked a bit sparse. Not long after that Caz disappeared to the basement for a while. When he resurfaced, he asked me to come take a look in the living room. There in the display, I saw a homemade Christmas tree. Caz had used green construction paper, and cut out a tree. He decorated it with ornaments and trimming. Then he used card board to make a base, so that it could stand all on its own. I was floored. He did such a great job. But it was the thought that went into it. He was inspired by my off-hand comment, to make something for me that he knew I needed and wanted. Is it any wonder that my sons are the treasures of my life? This is what being a Dad is all about.

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