Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Return

The trip back from the island was actually shorter than the ride down (8 plus hours in the car), but a nerve wracking trip. The initial forecasts were for another Nor'easter starting on Sunday. We contemplated starting back on Saturday night. But we kept our eye on the weather and the call was for the start of the event coming earlier and being mostly rain. So we waited and started out on Sunday morning. Coco starting getting carsick despite the Dramamine. Demi had to make a pit stop about 35 minutes into the trip. The wind was strong and constant. The rain was coming down hard. So I took it slow and easy. The kids were great again. The watched a movie (Elf), read, and Caz even napped for a bit. Demi left her glasses at her sisters, so I decided to drive the whole shift. My back was bothering from two nights of sleeping on an air mattress. I could get a fuzzy transmission of the Patriots-Jets game. Of course the delays put us close to Gillette Stadium close to the end of the game, so I was dreading the exodus from the game, jamming up the roads. Fortunately, the bad weather kept it a close game, which in turn kept the fans in the stands until the end. We were past the Razor with about 5 minutes left to play. As much fun as we had, and as great as the kids were in the car, there's no place like home (to quote Dorothy). Of course, seeing rain the entire trip, it hadn't occured to me that it may have snowed.....8 inches...before turning to rain. Did I ever mention that I have the best Dad in the world? He plowed me out before it turned to rain. I would have needed back surgery otherwise. The slush I did have to shovel, nearly broke me. It weighed a ton. And then some.

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