Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Book 'Em Dano

The boys have really taken to book making lately. Caz created his first book between ages 4 and 5 - "Batman in Historee". The boys collaborated on some other books in the past. When I recently visited Coco at school, he couldn't wait to show me a book he was working on with a friend in their spare time. " The Best of Tom & Jerry". It was a mystery. Very Scooby-Doo-like. My Dad would greatly appreciate it. Coco and his pal, Bruno spent an afternoon making another book. They had a list price of $3.99 with plans for marketing and distribution. They were really cracking me up. I love that the boys are so into books. I love the creativity. I love that they like to read and write. All illustrations are hand made as well. The stories are original, even if the characters are not. They have a clear beginning, middle, and end. It is great practice. I really hope that they keep it up. To that end, I gave them both a couple of my old briefcases. They can put their pens, pencils, crayons, and notebooks in there. They can travel with them. I do hope they take it the encouragement and run with it.

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