Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The List

I noticed Coco's Christmas list on his desk tonight. I almost bust a gut laughing but didn't want to do it in front of him. I was all I could do to compose myself and actually ask him about it. It was a very standard, and surprising reasonable list, right up to the last item. Coco had Bionicles, Legos, ITunes gift cards, Bakugans, all the standard items you would expect. The very last items was a Porsha (the way he spelled it) 911 Turbo. I asked him, "What are you going to do with a Porche 911?"
"Nothing.", he said, "but it makes the rest of my list look a whole lot more reasonable."
That almost sent me right back into hysterics. The kid had the foresight to create a Christmas list strategy. That kid is going to go places.

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