Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Going Paleo

Coco declared that he was going Paleo. He wanted to join up with Demi on here most recent workout/meal challenge. He was dead serious too.
My concern was that he's a kid. And he's a skinny kid. It's not like he eats a lot of crap anyway. The boys eat pretty healthy most of the time. But they are not on the Marinovich training plan. They have had a Twinkie before. But Coco can't afford to lose weight. That's not what Paleo is, but I was worried it would have that effect on him.
Coco was good though. He is an adventurous eater. He will try a lot of food. Cutting out the unnecessary carbs was not a bad idea.
He did a really good job with it too. He stuck to the plan for the most part. I snuck in milk though. He needs his calcium. He increased his fruit and vegetable intake (again, more than usual). Coco stuck to his plan. He even took lettuce wraps to school for lunch one day. His downfall? Having to make his own lunch for school "It takes too long". So that was the end of Paleo.

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