Monday, January 30, 2012

Me & the Boys

Daddy and the boys were on their own this past weekend. Demi was off to the Island for annual Girls Weekend with the Real Housewives of LI. We did the typical male things: scratched, spit, swore, played with power tools, etc..... I thought we had a good mix of Dad & Sons times, alone time, and friend time. They each had some time with a buddy on Saturday. We went out for pizza at my favorite pizza place, with Fast Phil from down the street in tow. Fast Phil was missing his Dad, who was traveling for work, so we figured we would cheer him up by letting him partake in our weekend. Saturday night we laid low. A quick dinner of grilled burgers and a movie. We watch the Eagle. I took a flyer that it's Roman Empire theme would resonate with their love of Rick Riordan's books. Caz, immediately upon finishing it, ranked it in his top 3 movies of all time. Coco put it down as a favorite too. Mission accomplished.
The boys lobbied to stay up late. They used the Pats in the Super Bowl line of argument. It was Iron Chef America - Tailgate edition. So we enthusiastically watched that and called it a night.
Caz and I slept in. Coco got up early. He read and then watched a bit of TV. So what comes on ABC Family on a Sunday AM? Dodgeball! Really? Even edited it's not ideal. Little did I know that I would end up explaining to Coco what the movie was talking about by saying they were thinking of "selling blood and semen." Here I thought I had few months before "Boys Night Out" for 5th graders and their Dads to cover "the change" and the birds and bees. Nothing like a quick crash course in advance of that. Thank you, Vince Vaughn!

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