Thursday, September 13, 2012

Open House

It was Open House night at DMS.  The premise is for parents to get to meet all of their kids' teachers.  For the 6th graders, its a whole new world, so there is an orientation too.  Demi and I decided to divide and conquer.  I would go through Coco's "day" and she would go through Caz's "day".  The "day" consisted of shorten periods of a full school day, so you could see each of your child's classroom and hear the teachers present their spiels.
     I admit I felt awkward at first.  I found it odd that I needed a map of the place, even though I went there when I was the kids' age.  The room numbers was the big thing.  I actually knew where to go, but the room numbers escaped me.  Demi and I both came back raving about the teachers.  I thought Coco's were very personable and approachable.  I like the details on the curriculum.  I was amazed at some of the resources the kids had:  smart boards, computers (Mac ultra light lap tops), Kindles, etc.  It a long way from #2 pencils , chalkboards, and mimeographs.
     I think it's important to know what is going on in your kids' schools.  You have to be an involved parent.  That doesn't mean you do homework for them.  That doesn't mean you bully teachers into adapting to your kids.  It means you know what is expected from the kids and teachers, and work with your kids to communicate that.  It was a well attended event.  Maybe there is some hope for these Deluxebury parents....

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