Friday, November 14, 2014
The Trials
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Veteran's Day 2014
Demand & I try to make sure the boys understand what today mean, each year. It can't just be a day off to the boys. They need to understand the sacrifice & courage associated with not only those who serve, but their families too. It takes a special person to be home while someone they love is away serving. I think our boys get it much more than most. And that's not by accident.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
NH 2014
We spent the weekend in Jackson, NH. We hadn't been up in the area for a few years. Too long. The boys did have some good memories of our previous visits. They were able to reminisce a bit. Coco had his weekend planned out by meals. He counted the number of possible meals we would have up there. He then listed his favorite eateries up there. Of course, I told him that some of us might want to have some input into that. I think he humored me, but summarily ignored me. We did visit some of our favorite haunts, Glen Junction and the Flatbread Company. We tried for the Shannon Door but it was too crowded due to a private party.
We did a new hike. We followed the trail to Tuckerman's Ravine. We didn't summit. But we did hike a little over an hour up and then an hour back. That was huge progress for Coco. He was fine through all of it. We saw a really amazing waterfall. It was cool but not cold. The boys and I had our Camelbaks. It has snowed a bit. Just enough to make footing a bit slippery. It was a nice walk in the woods.
I chalk this up as a win. Coco was a champ. I am very proud of him. I hope it leads to better days ahead.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Crisis Mode
We were really excited in September when we finally got a diagnosis for Coco's troubles. It seemed like we had a definitive answer. We knew it would be a long road to recovery. But we didn't anticipate this. What seemed like the lesser of the issues, has grown exponentially. The anxiety that triggers his IBS has gone off the charts. We really don't know why. The root cause eludes us. But Coco cannot handle life as it is now. He does not want to leave the house. School is a secondary concern right now. We just need Coco to function. I feel a bit lost. I certainly was not trained for this. I don't have an answer, let alone an easy answer. We are looking everywhere for help. We are not shy. We know we are over our heads. We have a counselor on retainer. Our doctors are consulting. The recommended medication will take weeks to take hold. Time seems to be creeping along. We hope to see some results. We really need a sign that things are getting better. For all of our sakes.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Granite State of Mind
Election Day 2014
We sort of glosses over election day this year. I was a bad citizen this year. I didn't do any research in n order to cast informed votes. We did talk about the issues with the kids. Sure, we had a lot on our plates. This was not critical. But is that the example we want to set? Maybe we have done enough with this topic in years past to cover us? Hopefully.
Monday, November 3, 2014
He's Baaaaackkk
Coco returned to school today. This is really a milestone. He is learning to cope with his ailments. It will take time. But this is a great first step. He needs to take his life back. I am so proud of him.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Winter is Coming....2014
Coco is playing with his friends I didn't think I would be so happy to see him playing XBOX. But this is a big step. Homework can wait. He needs the social interaction. He needs to see his friends supporting him. Why you may ask? Well, that is part of the upcoming recaps. Needless to say, its been serious enough here to celebrate some good old fashioned gaming.