Thursday, November 6, 2014

Crisis Mode

So much for getting back in the saddle with this blog.  I am still playing catch up.  I make no bones about it.  This was not the priority.  Coco has had a bad run with his health issues.  Demi and I have been all hands on deck for a couple of weeks now.
     We were really excited in September when we finally got a diagnosis for Coco's troubles.  It seemed like we had a definitive answer.  We knew it would be a long road to recovery.  But we didn't anticipate this.  What seemed like the lesser of the issues, has grown exponentially.  The anxiety that triggers his IBS has gone off the charts.  We really don't know why.  The root cause eludes us.  But Coco cannot handle life as it is now.  He does not want to leave the house.  School is a secondary concern right now.  We just need Coco to function.  I feel a bit lost.  I certainly was not trained for this.  I don't have an answer, let alone an easy answer.  We are looking everywhere for help.  We are not shy.  We know we are over our heads.  We have a counselor on retainer.  Our doctors are consulting.  The recommended medication will take weeks to take hold.  Time seems to be creeping along.  We hope to see some results.  We really need a sign that things are getting better.  For all of our sakes.

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