Saturday, July 9, 2016

Back At It

I can't believe it has been almost two months since my last post.  I thought I was doing something exceptional posting while we were in the chaotic period of living in Rhode Island and participating on the Hasbro Partial Program.  Maybe that was exceptional.  Maybe I shouldn't feel bad about such a long break in posts.  I was busy being a Father.  We were very pressed reintegrating back to life after PHP.  It wasn't Coco that had to adjust.  This changed things for everyone, Caz included.  We had to learn to function as individuals and as a family again.  So then, should I feel bad about that being my priority?  Probably not.  This blog is a hobby.  It is meant to help other Fathers.  Maybe that is why I feel bad about the break.  Maybe I let another Father down.  Of course that hinges on a hug assumption that someone actually reads this thing.  Either way, it is ok to make living the priority.  Documenting this is secondary.  I still may go back and back post some entries.  Some really cool stuff has happened during this time lapse.

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