Sunday, January 28, 2018

Overnight Exam

This weekend was a big test for Coco.  He was going to be left alone, overnight, for the first time.  Demi and I had an overnight excursion planned.  We told him last minute, on purpose.  Less time to plot any potential mischief.  We trust him.  We really didn't think he would be up to no good.  But you still have to prepare for the worst. 
     He was on his own for not even 24 hours.  He had to work Sunday, so that cut down the in house time.  We left him some money.  Coco was extremely happy, because now he could finally try out Dominoes.  Hey, whatever floats your boat. 
     Coco fed himself.  He took care of Gizmo.  He played endless hours of video games.  The house did not burn down.  There was no party.  He cleaned up, like he was asked to do.  He cleaned the den, the basement, and his bedroom.  He aced this test as far as Demi and I are concerned.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Mid Terms 2017

Coco had mid-terms all week.  I don't know when he studied for them.  I know he did some.  And I know he needed to crush it in Physics and Math.  He needs to pull up his second term grades in those subjects.  He also has to make up for his under performing freshman year.  Yes, it was related to his illnesses.  But he has the ability to make up ground.  As we know from Caz, junior year is tough.  It is the critical year for the college search.  The grades matter a lot.  Coco needs to exceed.  We don't want to put pressure on him.  It is a fine line trying to raise the bar on him but not invoke the anxiety.  There is no guidebook for this.  Demi and I are doing the best we can.  Every time we get a read on him, things change.  The same held true for Caz's ADD.  I probably feel more pressure than he does.  Which is fine by me.  I would rather shoulder the load, especially if that allows Coco to succeed.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Shrinking Nest

I will admit that it is hard knowing Caz is back at school but most college kids are still home.  The south start early.  A lot of Caz's buddies are home until the end of January.  I miss having him around.  I know he is happy back at Auburn.  It is just different.
     My sister in-law and husband came for a visit.  We couldn't do Christmas on The Island this year, when Caz was home.  My Mother in-law was sick.  My brother in-law was recovering from being sick.  There was a deep freeze going on.  We were worried about the pipes in the house. It just didn't happen.  It was nice that my sister in-law could come up though.  She got to see Coco at any rate.  I was looking forward to my college man socializing with his college cousins.  I think that would have been an interest dynamic.  I guess we will have to wait for this summer.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The List 2.0

It's Cooc's turn.  It's his college search.  He needs to make a list of colleges & universities, to which to apply.
     His list will all be southern schools.  He has no desire to go to school in the northeast.  He wants to attend a big school with big-time sports.  His number one right now is Florida State.  But I told him the same thing I told Caz, you need to make a list.  You need to have choices.
     So we used his school's recommended college search tool, Naviance.  Caz used it.  It worked well.  The parameters work nicely for searches.

The first draft:

Florida State
U of South Carolina
U of Georgia
U of Kentucky
Mississippi State

This will change.  Maybe not by much.  But it is a start.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Goodbye to You

These goodbyes seem to be getting harder, not easier.  I took Caz to the airport today, so that he could return to Auburn.  This visit seemed too fast.  He was ready to go back though.  I get it.  I actually do remember that feeling.  He is better than I was.  He recognized how tough it is on his parents.  He gave me a huge hug on the curb, outside of Concourse C.
     I tracked his flight all afternoon.  He had a nice surprise waiting for him in Atlanta.  His girlfriend was there waiting for him, to drive him back to college.  Me?  I am putting of cleaning his room for another day.  I don’t want to go see it empty.  I know this is how it’s supposed to be.  But it doesn’t make it any easier.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Bowl Day 2018

Happy New Year!  Welcome back to the greatest day of college football viewing of the season.  The boys are doing their own thing.  They both slept past noon.  Coco is continuing his marathon Call of Duty WWII session.  Caz watched Auburn in the Peach Bowl with me.  A very relaxing and low key day.  Perfect start of the year.