Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Shrinking Nest

I will admit that it is hard knowing Caz is back at school but most college kids are still home.  The south start early.  A lot of Caz's buddies are home until the end of January.  I miss having him around.  I know he is happy back at Auburn.  It is just different.
     My sister in-law and husband came for a visit.  We couldn't do Christmas on The Island this year, when Caz was home.  My Mother in-law was sick.  My brother in-law was recovering from being sick.  There was a deep freeze going on.  We were worried about the pipes in the house. It just didn't happen.  It was nice that my sister in-law could come up though.  She got to see Coco at any rate.  I was looking forward to my college man socializing with his college cousins.  I think that would have been an interest dynamic.  I guess we will have to wait for this summer.

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