Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The List 2.0

It's Cooc's turn.  It's his college search.  He needs to make a list of colleges & universities, to which to apply.
     His list will all be southern schools.  He has no desire to go to school in the northeast.  He wants to attend a big school with big-time sports.  His number one right now is Florida State.  But I told him the same thing I told Caz, you need to make a list.  You need to have choices.
     So we used his school's recommended college search tool, Naviance.  Caz used it.  It worked well.  The parameters work nicely for searches.

The first draft:

Florida State
U of South Carolina
U of Georgia
U of Kentucky
Mississippi State

This will change.  Maybe not by much.  But it is a start.

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