Saturday, April 18, 2020

Pat's Run 2020

This year, Pat's Run was a lot different than in years past.  It was the first all virtual run.  One of the highlights of running this race in Tempe, AZ, is finishing in Sun Devil stadium on the 42 yard line.  A global pandemic calls for different measures.  Pat's Run has always had remote runners.  Shadow races take place in cities all over the country.  Military serving all over the world, run at bases where they are stationed.  I usually run as a remote runner.  However, not seeing video clips on social media covering the race in Tempe this year was strange.  It was cool seeing people post their shadow runs.  This was my first run in the snow.  I waited until the traditional start time in Tempe, so that it would warm up a bit.  I still had to bundle up with hat, gloves and a face shield.  The date caught me off I guard.  It happened early this year.  And with everything going on, I completely forgot and screwed up my training.  I had to do all my training in one week.  I manged to run the whole 4.2 miles though.  I am pretty proud of my self.  The last 2 tenths were excruciating.  But I finished. 

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