April was not a productive posting month for me. In large part this was due to the family vacation we just took, a cruise from NY to Bermuda. We loaded up the family truckster, drove to NY, and boarded the Love Boat. Demi and I had been contemplating a family vacation for months. We pondered the Disney vacation. We looked at a trip to the Bahamas. Demi and I met in the Bahamas, and part of the inspiration of for the trip was our 10th Anniversary. Demi then started researching cruises. With airfare so outrageous these days, the driving aspect to NY seemed very appealing.
Family vacations are all about quality time together. Our stateroom insured that we would be a tightly knit group for the week. The kids called the room, The Closet. The might be overestimating it. But we were only in there to sleep or to change for dinner.
It was more than a three hour tour, but at the start, the weather was rough. The big ship was certainly tossed. Fortunately, I don't get seasick. Demi to a certain extent, and Coco do get motion sick, but not one of us had an issue. The boys were a little off the first day, but rallied soon after breakfast. They are troopers.
Some of the highlights:
Each family member got to pick a restaurant for dinner - this inspired some great family conversation about menu choices, favorite meals, favorite desserts, etc
The boys did not eat off the kids menu once - Coco's favorite meal? Tie - Jerk Chicken and Swordfish
During a visit to the ship's library, Coco picked out a book for Demi to read - "Charlotte's Web" - Demi read it to the boys all week - at the beach, by the pool, on the bus (we used public transportation to get around the island)
The Crystal and Fantasy Caves - part of a mile long cave system running under the island - really spectacular
The Swizzle Inn - Home of the Rum Swizzle and of the three flags flying out front, one was a Red Sox flag
The boys got to play with dolphins at Dolphin Quest - they had a blast, shaking hands and fins, splashing, and feeding a mother and her 10 month old baby
Demi and I renewed our vows - I know I may lose some of the fellas here, but hear me out. the boys served as the officials. They were very excited about it. The vows included quotes from Poison and a Night at the Roxbury (which were originally from Jerry Maguire but an acceptable guy movie due to the football tie in) and the boys presided with the "power vested in them by the State of Red Sox Nation"
Really, what more can you ask for from a family vacation? The family truckster didn't get vandalized (being adorned with Boston sports stickers, it was a concern parking it in NY for a week). The dog didn't pee on the picnic basket. And Bermuda was not closed when we got there.
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