"April showers bring May flowers" - One thing spring in New England has is plenty of rainy days. Great time for "spring training" in this region. It is no wonder the kids in Florida and other warmer climate are deemed to have such an advantage. But I digress. The point is that our first Youth Baseball practice was colder than any of the Youth Football practices last fall. And it was wetter. The ground was like a soaked sponge. I had the hood of my sweatshirt up almost the entire practice. My own son however, decided he needed to be in shorts. That's usually the biggest battle. "I want to wear shorts" usually followed by "and a T shirt". He claims he doesn't get cold.....until bedtime when he tries to go shirtless and asks for the heat to be turned up. I know the shorts are a peer thing. I see his friends running around most of the winter in shorts and at most, a hoodie. I usually respond with the classic "I am not their father" speech. An oldie but goodie.
Our second practice was rained out. It wasn't raining too hard but the fields were beyond over saturated. Since I hadn't checked email, I didn't see the cancellation until close to practice time. I had already had the discussion with Caz over appropriate foul weather practice attire. Somehow I had managed to talk some sense into him. All for naught. But for those keeping score at home (and most guys do keep score, let's face it), I gave myself +5.
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