Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Coach's Log - Part One

This was a very interesting year of coaching. I thought this year might be a lot like last year, all Coco's team and none with Caz's. But I was hopeful that it might be different. I was hoping that I might be able to take an active part in Caz's football season.
Caz was in his new league. No only am I a head coach in the "other" league, but an active Board member as well. I had inquired into attending the Board meetings of Caz's league, just to get sense of what goes on and how things are handled. I didn't end up going but I did make it clear that I intended to support my son and his team in his league, just as much as I would for my youngest son. So the first week of preseason, I made my pitch. Oh, and did I tell you that Caz's head coach was also the President of the league. If ever there a man that had a lot of reasons not to accept my pitch.......I offered to hold tackling dummies and keep my mouth shut, whatever he wanted. As I pointed out in my preseason blog, I was very impressed with the early practices. I thought he ran good practices, and motivated the kids well. He instilled discipline and was tough, but he reinforced with positive teaching. It was my mentor, Coach Lenny, that started my involvement with the team. He beckoned me over, when I was hanging out, watching practice. He had me help out on Defense, like we did in the old days. At the end of practice, Caz's head coach, Gino, has each coach speak to the kids. He saw me helping out Lenny, and asked me to join in on the end of practice talk. He accepted my pitch. And he was very gracious about it.
From there, I helped out as much as I could. I could make at least one practice a week and parts of others. I just jumped right in the old routine with Coach Lenny. I think the first game, really solidified my role on the team. Fortunately, Caz started one week earlier that Coco, so I had no conflict with Coco's practices or games. I could concentrate only on Caz and his team for a weekend. It was a really exciting game. We led the entire game, up until the last 2 and half minutes. Then the wheels came off. But in the process of the game, I established a niche for myself with the kids and the other coaches. I was there to stay.
I really had a lot of fun coaching this team. Certainly, there was a lot less pressure, since I was not the head coach. They were also kids older that I had coached. These kids had a bit more understanding that what I was used to. But I just flat out loved being with this team. I found the joy in coaching again. And for that I am thankful. So I owe a lot to Gino. The man had every incentive and right to send me packing. But he took me in. I think that is a good start for the leagues. Both leagues should have a good repoire. It is supposed to be about the kids. If both leagues and work together, then all the kids win.

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