Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Opening Week

Preseason is over and the regular season is here.

Coco's RiverBandits opened last night in the rain and cold. Winter ball. Such is baseball in New England.

Coco played catcher for the first time last night. He was one of the few kids that got the message from Coach that players that want to catch, have to wear a cup. Although it's an awkward thing for a young boy at first, there are enough of my football team on the RiverBandits roster to provide Coach with some catchers to choose from. It's funny how the Mom's defer that responsibility to the Dads (which makes sense, leave it to the ones familiar with the equipment). I think a few Dads got chewed out at home after the game last night. Anyway, Coco went 1-2 (single) and applied the tag at second base to throw out a steal attempt. I asked him after the game, before bed, "So. I take it you are liking baseball again?"

The sheepish reply was, "Yes."

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