Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Surgery went well. Recovery was the longest part. I had to have a spinal due to genetic issues I have with anesthesia (and likely the boys have). A spinal takes a while to wear off. I laid in a recovery room until 11:30 AM or so. When I was able to come home, Coco was the first face I saw. It's school vacation week, and it is a beautiful day. Both boys really should have been out playing. Caz was over at a friend's house. Coco was reading on the porch, waiting for me to come home. He hopped right up to help me up onto the porch and into seat. He went to get me a drink. Coco was just awesome. I got tired and went up to bed to lay down. I rewarded Coco by letting him grab The Return of the King on DVD to watch with me. I slept through the vast majority of it after taking a Vicodin. Coco watched it all though. And then stayed for the Bruins, who went into double OT. The pamphlet the hospital gave me included instructions for me to have a Recovery Buddy for at least the first 24 hours. Coco was happy to be that for me and did an outstanding job.

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