Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sleep Away Camp

Today is Yaya's birthday. Happy Birthday Dad!

Caz is going on a 2 night sleep over camp this weekend with Scouts. Demi and I scrambling (Demi mostly) since we have no information on it. We thought we were in good shape with a backpack, compass, first aid kit, knife, and sleeping bag. We know it's going to be cold, around 24 degrees at night, and the boys have choice of tents or cabins. But other than that, we have no information. After tonight's meeting, Caz's second, Caz started talking about money and mess kits. This was all news to us.
This will be Caz's first time out on his own. We are understandable a bit nervous. We don't know the scout leaders well. It's a lot of trust to ask. But Caz is so fired up for it that we need to move to get this going.

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