Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Strong

Today is another one of those days that must be talked about but is hard to talk about.  Where do I even begin?  There are no sufficient words to describe the tragedy of the day.  I can't believe that yet again, I find myself in the office during such a chaotic scene.  This time I was in charge of the office.  I feel like I made the right calls today.  I kept the staff informed and made decisions based on the best information at hand.  I sought out information and advice.  Not to toot my own horn, but I did not see that anywhere else on the floor.  I saw managers leave without saying a word to their staff.  How does that happen?  Overall, the firm failed again.  I can take solace in knowing I did what what in my power to do and felt confident in the decisions I made.
     Of course, I did second guess myself.  As I passed the JFK/UMASS stop on the MBTA Red line home, my brother texted me that there was a report of an explosion at the JFK Library.  I really thought I had made   the wrong call getting on the train and going home.  But I was all right in the end.
     I got home before Linda did.  The boys had been home all day, on school vacation.  I felt them out to see what they knew.  The admitted to knowing that bombs had gone off.  I quickly told them that it was OK that they knew.  But I cautioned them that news was still coming in fast and furious.  It would be hard to say what the legitimate facts were at this point.  I asked them to please not take their friends information at face value.  I cautioned them to let the situation settle and the facts come in.  We talked as a family at dinner too.  Demi and I gave them a chance to ask question.  We answered what we could at that point.  The fact was, we just didn't know enough at that time.

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