Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Padawan

Coco became a trainee today.  He was charged with watching over his cousin, my niece.  They would be eating dinner at our place, then hanging out until bedtime.  Coco would then head upstairs to begin the night time routine.  At 8 PM the teeth brushing starts, followed by the reading of the bed time stories.  Lights out at 8:30 PM.
     The Bug was excited for this all week.  She told her entire preschool class. Repeatedly.  Each day.  She was even more excited when Coco joined us for her skating lesson in the AM.
     Coco passed with flying colors.  He had his to do list.  This included specific orders not to call his Aunt, but to call us, if there were any issues.  He knew we were at his Aunt's for my brother's 40th birthday celebration.  He understood it was a big deal.  Coco called at 8:45 to report that the Bug was sound asleep.  He was tucked into bed when we got home too.  The house was in good order.  I am very proud of him.  He was so responsible.

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