Monday, February 16, 2015

President's Day Blowout

No, not a big sale.  Coco and I had it out.  He put his arse down about helping out, shoveling, cleaning, etc.  All he wanted was his electronics.  I tried the calm approach.  I tried being pleasant.  Everything was eye rolls, sighs, and attitude.  Enough!  Electronics were taken.  Screaming ensued.  Whoever thinks that there will never be any yelling is delusional.  Some of it is healthy.  We probably skirted the line, hopping back and forth.  It never went way over though.  He needs a firmer hand now.  He's too comfortable.  This long break is not good for him.  He needs to get out and be active.  Sometimes, it all needs to come to a head before it gets better.

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