Sunday, March 29, 2015

Home Again

The boys were fine when we got home.  Sure they stunk.  Most teenage boys do.  Gizmo was excited to be back with the family.  After some decompression time, we all attended to some items we had to accomplish, showers, laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.  Then we set aside some dedicated family time.  The boys chose to play Scattegories.  That is always a crowd-pleaser.  Highlight or lowlight of the night?  You decide.
The roll was an "L".
We all wrote our answers.  As we started the unveiling process, Caz got up to blow his nose.  It looked a little forced but nothing alarming.  Coco read his brother's answers, while Caz was out of the room.  At least until number 4 he did.  Number 4 was "Type of dance".
Demi = "Limbo"
Dad = "Lambada" (I figured the boys would have no idea)
Coco didn't have an answer.  He also refused to read his brother's answer.  He just turned red and tried to hide a grin.  Finally, I pressed him.
"Why? Is it Lap?"
Coco burst out laughing but managed a "Yes."  So clearly they both have heard the phrase.  They both knew it was something racy.  I don't think either one really knows a definition.  Oh sure, I think they get the just.  But that was end of discussion.  Ah, yes.  Family time.....

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