Thursday, February 11, 2016

IEP Review

Demi and I had a meeting with the school administration, Special educators, and teachers today.  The purpose was to review Coco's IEP, his progress, and his current troubles.  It went really well.  We met for almost 2 hours.  Everyone was very engaged.  Everyone had Coco's best interest at heart.   We revised and updated his IEP.  Demi and I were very open to opportunities for help.  That includes a "home inspection."  Some parents might take that as an insult.  Demi and I are taking it as another avenue to pursue.  If we are not doing the right things, we need to know.  We are doing the best we can.  It just doesn't seem enough.  I won't let a silly thing like pride get in the way of my son's well being.

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