Saturday, August 14, 2021

Back to USC 2021

 One son comes home.  One son leaves home.  It is back to college time.  This year, it is back to one child heading back.  Even though we have done this before, it still seems strange.  

Coco drove up back to Columbia, SC today.  Classes for the University of South Carolina do not start for a few more days but he wanted to get settled back into his off-campus apartment.  I tried to stock him up at Walmart but he really did not think he needed much.  We ate a nice lunch at The Southern Belly.  Coco played it nicely by ordering the Wookie.  That sandwich, besides being awesome, is double meat.  That means two meals for him.  Well played!  It feels different dropping him off an hour and forty minutes away, than an hour plus drive and a plane ride.  I still feel sad when he goes.  I know he is where he should be, but I miss him already.  Good luck, Coco!

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