Dogs may like trucks, but little boys absolutely love trucks. And dinosaurs. I think those are universal constants. There are some other things that are close to that level, like Legos and sword fighting, but I think Dinos and trucks top the list. My sons knew more types of construction vehicles by the age of two, than I ever recall existing. The one good thing to come out of the Big Dig, was that traveling through Boston kept my sons occupied for a good amount of time. They watched out the window and named every truck they saw. (Still not worth the billions we paid, but there is something to be said for child entertainment on road trips.)
Thus we have the age old debate, how much of this is based on instinct and how much of this is learned? (This actually ties in nicely to my post on Sports Loyalty. Until the age of 25, I had been to NY once. And at age 18, that trip still represents my only trip to NYC (thank you Butch). But yet I knew that NYC was a source of great amongst yourselves. Discuss......)
WARNING: I am now about to venture outside the bounds of normal, polite table conversation.
There is no quantifiable data to support this, so don't look for any. Any you will have to take it on faith, that what I am telling you is accurate and true.
My eldest son is fascinated with his gas passing. It has become an announced event (fortunately only in private, here at home. Lucky us. But he seems to have the good sense not to exhibit this behavior in public.) and a source of great humor. Now society always blames this particular trait or habit on the Dad. The fairness of that is an argument for another day. There is this whole myth (or farce, if you will) around women and that subject matter. Here is where the leap comes in. I am not to blame. At no time has my son witnessed this behavior in this house.
At age 5, all four of us were sprawled out on two couches watching a family movie. My oldest son and I sat on one couch, with Demi and Coco on the other. About halfway through the movie, Caz gets up and wanders over by the other couch. Never taking his eyes off the TV, slowly, slowly, he backed up, until he was about even with my wife's head. He stood as still as can be for about two minutes, and then sauntered back over to me. As he did so my wife turned a pale shade of green and started fanning at the air. "OMG, -insert my child's full name, complete with middle name, here - what did you just do?!" At that, he just burst out laughing.
Now I ask you, never having seen that behavior, where did that come from? Cartoons and kids shows? Maybe? Genetic disposition based on gender? Who knows? You could make an argument that boys are prone to that. As Demi says, "Boys are gross!"
For me, I though the funniest thing was the spontaneity. I mean who doesn't find the basic Dutch Oven funny? But he came up with that whole plan by himself. Bonus points for creativity.
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