Monday, June 1, 2009

Fire on the Mountain

In case you wanted more back up to the age old theory, which I have supported in past posts, that males just can't help themselves around fire, I give you the following. The family had dinner outside on the porch tonight. It was a nice evening, perfect weather, with no bugs. Demi had just gotten a new umbrella for the patio table. She had also gotten a new light fixture to go with it, a sort of candle/chandelier thing. Caz knew that it held candles. He got up from the table after putting his first mouthful of food in and bolted inside. He came back out with a lighter, insisting on lighting the candles. Demi had to apprise him that she did not have the right candles for the new piece. Seeing the disappointment in his eyes, she got up and grabbed 5 candles. At that point, Coco chimed in that he wanted to light some too. A brief argument ensued over who was going to light what. So they each got to light 2 candles. The 5th went to Dad. Of course, I wanted to light one too. I am a red blooded male after all.

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