Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tough Times

Well, we certainly seem to be in one of those ruts with Caz. It's been tough the last few days. He's been very "woe is me" and argumentative. Nothing is "going his way." Demi and I are end of our wits. Patience is in thin supply.
It is very hard to tell what is typical teen (or pre-teen in this case) angst and what is ADD. That is probably the hardest thing for me. I do not think like Caz. And I have a hard time knowing what he's doing on purpose. Even the spontaneous outbursts of impropriety catch me off guard. In that split second of something fresh leaving his mouth and it registering with me, I can't just stop and think to myself "ok, he doesn't mean it and likely doesn't even know he's saying it."
Even when he seems rational, he likely isn't. He argues just to argue. The mistake then, is arguing back. I tell you though, at the end of a long work day and being mentally tired walking in the door? It's hard to not argue back. That is why this is all a work in progress still.

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