Saturday, March 3, 2012

Marching On

And just like the the snow is gone.  We almost made it through the whole month of February without a snowfall.  That extra Leap Day kept that from happening.  It must be some kind of record for around here.
     It's official though, baseball is done in this house.  Playing baseball that is.  No more little league.  No more rushing out of work to help coach....3 times a more pitching batting more squatting for pitching more grounders.....I think I am actually going to miss it.  That's not to say there's no more catch with the boys.  But I was really hoping one of them might feel the passion to try and play all the way through high school.  That is the key though.  If they don't have the desire, then why bother.  It's not fun for them and therefore no fun for Dad.  I always said, I don't care what activity they do.  The boys don't have to play a "sport".  But they do have to be active and do some kind of physical activity on a regular basis.  I would rather them live a healthy lifestyle.  That education starts now, while they are young.

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