Saturday, February 22, 2014

Operation Teen

Operation Teen was undertaken today.  To celebrate Coco's birthday, he invited a bunch of his friends over, with their masks, airsoft guns, ammunition, and camouflage, to pay "fort" and "capture the flag."  Nothing says "Happy Birthday" like military simulations.  Playing Marine (most kids call it playing "army" but not here.  Not with the son of a Marine).
     It was actually a great day for it.  How many days in a normal February in New England do you get over 50 degree weather?  Sure, there was still a lot of snow on the ground. But the kids adapted.  The insulated themselves so they could lay down in the snow.  They are really great kids.  Very nice. Very polite.  It was really no work to have them all here.  Our kids have done a good job in general picking their friends.  I guess we have taught them pretty well.  It's good reinforcement for Demi and me.
     It's hard to believe we have another teenager.  How did that happen?  And so quickly?  Where did all the time go?    

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