Monday, January 26, 2015

Mostly a Win

Demi gets a "W" today, without a doubt.  Her morning started extremely poorly.  Both boys were acting up.  Caz was his usual sh*t show.  He can't get out of the house on time.  Coco started with a lot of anxiety about going to school.  The thought of a full day was getting to him.  For some reason science and math are ominous to him.  To a Chinaman?  Go figure!  There's not real reason for it.
     Coco set up camp in his go to spot...the crapper.  He stayed there long enough to miss the bus.  Demi saved the day though.  She talked with him.  She soothed him.  She negotiated.  At the end, Coco went to school for 3 classes and lunch.  I will call that a win.  Great job, Demi!

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