Saturday, July 4, 2015

Family 4th Wedding

Not a 4th wedding, but on the 4th, just for clarification sake.  Our cousin got married at Plimouth Plantation.  It was a great time.  We all had a blast.
     I was really proud of the boys.  The got all dolled up without a fight.  Actually, they both were almost eager.  Caz got a hair cut and picked out new dress pants.  In one trip.  Without a fight.  Coco had his outfit planned for weeks.  Of course that coincided with his semi formal for his 8th grade promotion ceremony.  He eschewed the the fedora this time though.  Caz even busted out his pocket watch.
     They both were really helpful at the ceremony and reception too.  Coco, as usual, played with his cousin Rose.  Actually, it is more of her leading him around by his nose.  He is her personal playground.  Horsie ride.  Check.  Wrestling.  Check.  Punching bag.  Check.  I am not sure if she got him to dance though.  Caz was really awesome.  The Hammer was not a happy Ring Bearer.  You would thing he was bringing the Ring to Mount Doom.  He wanted no part of it.  Caz went over to calm him down.  He tried to help coax him down the aisle.  Demi and I are very proud of both them.  They are good, caring boys.

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