Thursday, July 9, 2015

Table Chat

We have had some really good dinner discussions this week.  Dinner time is truly family time.  We make a point of telling the kids that.  They can't just pass on dinner.  Caz has tried the "I am not hungry" routine.  Tough.  Sit there and converse.  Have a drink of water.  Be social.  You still can't pass dinner time in front of Super Mario Smash Brothers.
     We talked about the New Horizon NASA mission to Pluto.  We talked about the Red Sox.  We talked about current events.  New Horizons was my favorite topic.  The space program doesn't get the respect it deserved.  To think that something launched years ago, is just now reaching it's destination is mind boggling.  The first real pictures of Pluto.  Not a sketch.  Not an artist's interpretation.  Real live photos.  I think the kids got the importance of it.  It's a huge piece of human exploration.
     I love that Demi and I make dinner time the traditional family time it has been.  It's important. As the kids grow older, maybe they will agree.

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