A pox on the first person that thought up the "Jack & Jill" baby shower. That person should be drawn an quartered. Or at least boiled in their own pudding with a stake of holly through their heart. Jack fell down and broke his crown, so he didn't have to go to the blasted Baby Shower.
Most of the women don't really want to be there for the "ooohing" and "ahhing" over Diaper Genies and onsies. What made some one think they should add the guys? My wife really didn't want to be at hers but she grinned and bore it. Now hers we had to travel to NY, so that was tough for me to try and find a way not to go on that trip. I had to at least go with her as far as her mother's house, to keep up appearances. But after I snapped the picture of her look of surprise, I was out the door. My brother in-law, good man that is he, had the car running. I jumped in and we were off.
We met up with a few of the other fellas at Hooters. Strictly for the buffalo wings of course. And then we watched a ball game. That is the way guys should enjoy baby showers. Beer, ballgame, wings, and banter. What more could I have asked for. And as recently as last night, Demi stated she would have rather been at Hooters too. Again, mostly for the wings.
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